My Town Alert
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  1. Talk to Your Local Building Office.  Your Building Official wants your project to be a success and will help you avoid potential problems that could cost you time and money. You will be asked some basic questions about the proposed work, advised of any requirements, and, if necessary, referred to other departments for their approval. The Building Official will provide you with the resources and information needed for compliance with the applicable building codes. You will then receive an application for a building permit.
  2. Submit Application Materials & Fee.  At this stage you will submit the "who, what, when, where and how" of the job, along with any required sketches or plans of the proposed work. Separate permits are required for electrical, plumbing, and heating or air-conditioning work.   A fee, based on the total estimated construction cost of the job, is collected by cash, credit, or checks made payable to The Town of Thomaston to cover the cost of the application, the review, and inspections.
  3. Plan Review.  The Building Official will review your plans and determine if your project is in compliance with local requirements. If your plans meet these requirements, a permit is issued. If not, the Building Official may suggest solutions to help correct the problem. Please note that the review process can take up to thirty (30) days.  Every effort will be made to complete this review promptly.  Please be aware that the Tax Office and the Sewer Department are required to sign off on the application to confirm taxes and/or sewer fees are not delinquent.  Additionally, the Zoning Enforcement Officer must sign off that the proposed activity complies with the town's zoning regulations. If you have a well and/or private septic system, the Torrington Area Health District will also need to sign off.  TAHD applications can be obtained in the Building & Land Use Office or by visiting the TAHD website.
  4. Receive Permit.  Once you receive your permit, you have legal permission to start construction.  An experienced Building Official is available to you should you have any questions concerning your project. 
  5. Jobsite Visits.  Onsite inspections will be required to make certain the work conforms to the permit, local codes, and plans. Again, you will have access to the expertise of the Building Official to help you with questions or concerns regarding the project and to ward off potentially costly mistakes. The Building Official will let you know approximately how many inspections may be needed for your project. Twenty-four (24) hour notice is required when scheduling inspections.  Please be aware that it is the responsibility of the property owner and/or their contractor to schedule all required inspections.
  6. Receive Final Approval.  The Building Official will provide documentation when construction is complete and code compliance is determined. You will then have the personal satisfaction of a job done right. Enjoy your new surroundings with the peace of mind and the knowledge that they meet the safety standards in your community.
You are required to supply proof of license & insurance, and any applicable drawings or other documents that the Building Official requests, before an approval is made.