2024 Thomaston Stormwater Report
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Sports Fields

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Reeve's Field

Reeve's Field is located on North Main Street in downtown Thomaston. This location has:

·        A Little League sized infield which can be used for youth baseball or softball

·        A basketball court

·        A small playscape and swings

·        Batting cages. 

Batting cages are locked at all times. Access to the cages is on a first-come, first-served basis by visiting the Police Department (located in the Town Hall) to sign out the key. These cages are restricted for Little League use only from April-August between the hours of 4:30PM to Dark.

Black Rock Field**

Black Rock Field is located on Route 109 between Thomaston High School and Black Rock Elementary School. The following amenities are offered: 

·        A 60-foot skinned infield which can be used for youth baseball or girls’ softball.

·        A 90-foot grass infield which can be used for adult baseball

·        Open space which can be used for soccer, field hockey, or other general activities.

·        A large-scale playground complex with swings, slides, rock climbing wall and various playscape items.

Please be aware that these facilities are not open to the public during the school year from 7:00AM until 3:30PM.


Highwood Farms Field

Highwood Farms Field is located at the intersection of Edwin Lane and Thompson Terrace. This location has:

·        A full-size soccer field, which can be used for youth baseball or softball

·        A skinned infield which can be used for youth baseball or softball


Sanford Avenue Field**

Sanford Avenue Field is located at the intersection of Clay Street and Sanford Avenue in downtown Thomaston. This location has:

·        A Little League sized skinned infield which can be used for youth baseball or softball

·        A U-10 size soccer field

** Scheduling of Black Rock Field and Sanford Avenue Field during the school year is done by contacting Alex Sconziano, Thomaston High School Athletic Director, at asconziano@thomastonschools.org. Scheduling of either facility during the summer months when school is out of session is done by contacting Joe Aniki, Thomaston Recreation Director, at janiki@thomastonct.org.