Building Department

(860) 283-8411
Primary Contact:
Paul Bette
Thomaston Town Hall
158 Main Street
Building & Land Use Office - 3rd Floor
About the Building Department
Online Permits: Effective February 3, 2025
We will begin taking building permit applications online with Permit Link.

Please see our FAQs below for more information about submitting online permits.


Fee adjustment: Effective February 3, 2025
The building permit fee schedule has been adjusted for online permitting. The fee for building permits will increase by $11, to cover the electronic processing fee, as adopted by the Board of Selectman on December 3, 2024.
BOS Minutes 12/3/24

The primary purpose of the Building Department is to uphold and enforce the State of Connecticut Building Code to ensure that construction in the Town of Thomaston meets the uniform minimum standards of the State of Connecticut. 

The Town will stringently enforce the Building Code as a set minimum standard as indicated by State Statutes particularly those sections that pertain to life, health, and safety.  The Building Official will enforce the State Building Code in a fair and even-handed manner.

It is the intent of the Town of Thomaston Building Department to provide high quality and timely service in such a manner that homeowners, contractors, and businesses are not unnecessarily delayed in their construction activities. 

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How do I apply for a permit online?

The Town of Thomaston is excited to partner with Permit Link to offer online building permits beginning Monday, February 3, 2025!

Fee adjustment: Effective February 3, 2025
The building permit fee schedule has been adjusted for online permitting. The fee for building permits will increase by $11, to cover the electronic processing fee, as adopted by the Board of Selectman on December 3, 2024.
BOS Minutes 12/3/24


For a list of common projects that require building permits, please check our FAQ section: "How do I know if my project requires a building permit?" 

All Permits require PDF copied attachments of:

  • Contractor's License
  • Worker's Compensation Insurance Certificate 
  • Letter of Authorization: required if the contractor is giving the permission of the homeowner or agent to take out a permit under their license number.  
  • Owner can do their own work and take out their own permits, but state building code states that the home must be owned and inhabited by the owner to allow doing their own work. Flips and rental homes/units require licensed mechanical and structural contractors to apply for permitting.

In addition to the above mentioned permitting, more detailed reviews, permitting, and submissions may be required. If you are constructing, erecting, enlarging, and altering the current footprint &/OR moving, removing, or changing the use of a current building it will require reviews by multiple departments. It will most definitely need the following extra submissions:

  • Plot plan with the proposed structure and work/activity depicted to scale
  • Drawings/Plans showing how the structure or space is to be built and if changing or adding onto existing space, an existing plan with designations of spaces used and a proposed plan of designated spaces (both new and existing)

In some cases, this may even require a bit more information to allow for a full and thorough review.  You may be asked to provide:

  • Additional supporting evidence by outside sources 

Property Taxes and Sewer: 

Per Thomaston Code, Article III, § 128-7: Pursuant to C.G.S § 7-148(c)(2)(B), as amended, no building permit shall be issued for improvements to any property on which the property taxes, sewer rates, charges or assessments imposed by the Town of Thomaston Water Pollution Control Authority are delinquent. 

If a property is flagged as Delinquent the review process will be delayed. 

Online Permitting System Guidelines

For your convenience, the Town has adopted new online permitting for the submittal of applications for residential building permits, electrical permits, plumbing and gas permits, mechanical permits, Demolition and Fire Protection permits.

Paper permit applications will no longer be accepted. If you do not own a computer or if you need assistance using a computer, both are available at Town Hall. A computer station terminal is located at the Town Hall. Assistance can be obtained in the office or by contacting the Building Department office during normal business hours.

You will have the option to pay online after the application has been submitted. Applicants can mail a check payable to the Town of Thomaston. You may also visit us with payment during our normal business hours. Any payments sent in without a copy of the necessary documents will not be accepted.

Before applying for a permit, you should review the Building Department information above to see what documentation is required. Please scan and attach supporting documentation with your completed application. If you do not have the ability to scan and upload, please send by mail or in person with a copy of your application. Provide as much information as you can on the form as incomplete applications may be rejected.

Filling Out a Permit Application (after you have logged onto the online permitting website).

  • Select the appropriate permit application from the menu on the left.
  • Select the location for the permit by entering any characters of column text in the white boxes under House # and/or Street to narrow your search.
  • Choose the address by highlighting its row.
  • Click the Next button above the Property List.
  • Fill out the application fields to completion.
  • Once you have filled out all text fields click Submit.
  • This will prompt you to add attachments. Click ok if you want to add attachments.
  • Once done adding your Attachments you will be prompted to make a payment.

​Adding Attachments to Your Permit Application After Submit:
If you need to add attachments after closing a submitted application or want to check your status, go to My Documents at the top center of the Main Page. Select the Permit and click buttons to the left.

What forms of payments to do you accept?

We accept the following forms of payment:

  • Cash
  • Checks Payable to: Town of Thomaston
  • Debit/Credit Card and eChecks

Cash payments are only accepted during regular office hours.

Checks can be mailed to the Building Department at 158 Main Street, Thomaston, CT 06787, or dropped off during regular office hours.

Debit/Credit Card and eCheck payments can be made online with Invoice Cloud.  The link to pay online can be found under Resources. Convenience fees apply. 

Thank you! 

How do I know if my project requires a building permit?

Following is a list of common projects that require permits. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list; please call the Building Department with any questions:

  • New Homes
  • Additions
  • Alterations
  • Tanks (oil/propane/gas)
  • Solar Systems
  • Sheds/Gazebos/Garages
  • Decks/Piers
  • Wood/Pellet/Coal Stoves
  • Siding/Vinyl/Wood 
  • Chimneys/Fireplaces
  • Re-Roofing
  • Pools/In-ground and Above ground
  • Demolition
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical Wiring & Service
  • Heating/Air Conditioning
  • Refrigeration & Sprinkler Systems
  • Replacement Windows
  • Gas Log Sets

Why are building permits required?

A building permit serves as formal and legal permission to start any construction job. The issuance of a building permit indicates that plans for a new structure, addition, alteration, renovation, foundation, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, electrical, prefabricated structures, etc. have been approved by a building inspector and complies with current mandated building codes and zoning regulations.

What are the benefits of having a building permit?

Increased Value.  Your home or business is an investment. If your construction project does not comply with the codes adopted by your community, the value of your investment could be reduced. Property insurers may not cover work done without permits and inspections. If you decide to sell a home or building that has had modifications without a permit, you may be required to tear down the addition, leave it unoccupied or do costly repairs.

Legal Protection.  A property owner who can show that code requirements were strictly and consistently met, as demonstrated by a Building Official's carefully maintained records, has a strong ally if something happens to trigger a potentially destructive lawsuit.

Safety.  Your permit also allows the Building Official to protect the public by reducing the potential hazards of unsafe construction and ensuring public health, safety and welfare. By following code guidelines, your completed project will meet minimum standards of safety and will be less likely to cause injury to you, your family, your friends or future owners.

Can a homeowner work on their own house?

A homeowner can work on his or her own house provided the house is a single-family, owner-occupied dwelling. If the house is a rental property or a multi-family dwelling, a Connecticut licensed professional must apply for the permit and perform the electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, sprinkler, mechanical, etc. work.

Can the Building Department recommend contractors?

No. Because of liability, the Town cannot make recommendations of any type. You are encouraged to “shop around”, ask for references, and check with the CT Department of Consumer Protection website to confirm your contractor has been licensed by the State of Connecticut.

Why are inspections necessary?

Inspections are performed by a Building Inspector, who checks each phase of construction and makes certain that the work conforms to the building codes, the approved plans, and the permit.

What is a building code?

Building codes are laws and ordinances established by Local, State, and Federal governments which set minimum safety standards. Building codes embrace all aspects of the building construction - structural as well as plumbing, electrical, HVAC, and mechanical.

Current State of Connecticut Building Code

Can State Building Code be modified?

104.10.1 State Building Code. Pursuant to subsection (b) of section 29-254 of the Connecticut General Statutes, the State Building Inspector may grant modifications, variations or exemptions from, or approve equivalent or alternative compliance with, the Connecticut State Building Code where strict compliance with the Connecticut State Building Code would entail practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship, or is otherwise adjudged unwarranted, provided the intent of the law shall be observed and public welfare and safety be assured. 

Modification Request Form Available Here.

Will my taxes increase?

The Assessor's office can help you with tax related questions. They can be reached at (860) 283-0305

What are mechanical permits?

Examples of Mechanical permits include electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, ventilation, sprinkler, hood systems, low voltage wiring.

How do I file a complaint?

If you have a concern as to whether work is being done with the required building permit and/or whether work is being done according to Connecticut Building Code, please fill out and return a Building & Land Use Concern/Complaint form. 

Complaints are addressed according to the following priorities and in the order received.  

  1. Complaints/violations that pose immediate danger to the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community. 
  2. Complaints/violations involving earth moving and/or excavation. 
  3. Complaints/violations involving direct impacts to known or suspected wetlands or watercourses. 
  4. Complaints/violations involving soil erosion controls.
  5. Complaints/violation related to development projects that are in the construction phase or any non-permitted construction. 
  6. Written complaints, signed by the submitting complainant.
  7. Internal complaints from other departments (Assessor’s Office, Public Works, etc.)
  8. Proactive enforcement programs initiated by the Building Official. 
  9. Unsigned (anonymous) complaints. 

Building & Land Use staff will contact you within 48 hours upon initial receipt of your complaint; however, please understand that complaints will be investigated and addressed according to the priority system listed above.

Complainants should also be aware that, pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, once this form has been submitted to the Town of Thomaston, it becomes a public record and as such must be made available for public inspection upon request.


The Building Department has vacant seat(s).
Interested in volunteering? See all the vacancies.


Paul M. Bette
Working Families
Building Official
(860) 283-8411
Laura Fitch
Working Families
Administrative Assistant
(860) 283-8411


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