We are a small but professional Highway Department committed to serving the citizens and visitors of the Town of Thomaston.
The Department is responsible for all of the properties that the taxpayers of the Town of Thomaston own. This includes, but is not limited to, all buildings, roads, road sides and parks.
Our department currently consists of ten employees.
1 Superintendent, 1 Group Leader, 4 Maintainers, 2 Park Maintainers, 1 Mechanic and 1 Part-Time Administrative Assistant.
1 Superintendent, 1 Group Leader, 4 Maintainers, 2 Park Maintainers, 1 Mechanic and 1 Part-Time Administrative Assistant.
The Highway Superintendent is responsible for all roadways, solid waste including the Transfer Station, and acts as the Tree Warden.
The Mechanic is responsible for the preventative maintenance on all town owned vehicles, including police cruisers, fire trucks and ambulances. The Mechanic also acts as a maintainer when the need arises.
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Can I run my sump pump water onto the street?
No. It is illegal to do this. Read the ordinance on “Drainage onto Town Roads”
What if I have a dead tree on my property?
You can call the highway dept. The Superintendent of Highways who is also the Tree Warden will come and check the tree for a couple of things. 1. Is the tree a town street tree; this is determined in the same manner as the right of way. 2. Is the tree a “Hazard Tree” meaning does it need to come down because there is danger of failure.
What is the curbside leaf collection schedule?
The annual curbside leaf collection program runs through the month of November or until the first snowfall, whichever comes first. All leaves MUST be bagged in biodegradable brown paper bags and MUST be placed curbside for collection. Leaves placed in plastic bags will not be pick up. Should you miss your designated pickup week, you may bring your bagged leaves to the transfer station site located on Old Waterbury Rd. free of charge.
How do you determine the sweeping schedule?
How do you determine the sweeping schedule?
Sweeping programs start annually in the beginning of April. We try to start as early in the year as weather permits. We also try to start in different areas of town each year, that way the same sections of town are not always last. Additionally, the town currently has 919 catch basins that are cleaned on the average of once every other year.
Sweeping programs start annually in the beginning of April. We try to start as early in the year as weather permits. We also try to start in different areas of town each year, that way the same sections of town are not always last. Additionally, the town currently has 919 catch basins that are cleaned on the average of once every other year.
How far does the town’s Right of Way go into my property?
The town’s right of way is measured 25 feet from the center of the road. If the road is a cul-de-sac, it is determined by finding the distance at a section of road that is straight then measuring the distance from the curb line. When that measurement is found we then measure the same distance from the cul-de-sac’s curb line. If work is to be performed in the right of way, we are required to return the area to as good if not better than when we started.
When do I need a Driveway Permit?
Per Town ordinance, a permit is required when (1) a new driveway is to be installed (2) when a new or existing driveway is going to be paved and (3) Removing existing asphalt and installing new asphalt or paver blocks, concrete etc. Please note that the Building and Land Use Office process the administration of the Driveway Permit and Road Excavation applications.
Glenn Clark
Working Families
Superintendent of Highways
(860) 283-4030
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