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Arts Council
Empowered Caregivers
The series will be delivered over the course of two, two and a half hour sessions with a meal provided at each session. Each of these programs teach caregivers how to navigate the responsibilities of caring for someone living with dementia:
- Building Foundations of Caregiving explores the role of caregiver and changes they may experience, building a support team, and managing caregiver stress.
- Supporting Independence focuses on helping the person living with dementia take part in daily activities, providing the right amount of support and balancing safety and independence while managing expectations.
- Communicating Effectively teaches how dementia affects communication, including tips for communicating well with family, friends and healthcare professionals.
- Responding to Dementia-Related Behaviors details common behavior changes and how they are a form of communication, non-medical approaches to behaviors and recognizing when additional help is needed.
- Exploring Care and Support Services examines how best to prepare for future care decisions and changes, including respite care, residential care and end-of-life care.
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